Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thank you, Mexico

I am not one to party on work nights. I like to be in bed relatively early so that I will be well rested for the next day’s work. However, this year Cinco de Mayo fell on a Thursday and unfortunately, it required over 24 hours of recovery on my part.

Cinco de Mayo is one of the few holidays you can celebrate without having to by gifts. My kind of holiday.

My friends and I jetted over to one of Buckhead’s best Mexican venues right after work to enjoy the block party they had planned. After just one pomegranate margarita, I decided to go for the double fist because the lines for drinks were obscene. This was my first mistake. It didn’t take long to finish those and go back for my next round.

Once other friends began to arrive, I started having more drinks passed my way. After we finished there (without me actually eating any food), we moseyed over to our favorite hangout spot. From this point on, I remember having a blast. However I do not remember all of the photos that were posted on Facebook the following day. Yes, it was that kind of night.

After drinking far too much, some of us managed to make it home. Unfortunately, I didn’t take the gate key for my apartment complex and my phone died. So, I had to crawl under the gate lying flat on my back.

The next morning I went to work with no makeup. Yes, it was that kind of day. Now that I am fully recovered, I can say that I am so glad that I strayed from my elderly ways and went out with my friends. It was a blast.

Love this city :).

Monday, May 9, 2011

Music is what feelings sound like.

“When you're young, your whole life is about the pursuit of fun.”
-Carrie Bradshaw

I’ve always thought it would be really cool to have a soundtrack to my life. Like at the perfect moment, a beat just drops with vocals bursting the appropriate lyrics. Not possible, I know, but it sounds cool.
I recently stumbled upon dozens of old cds filled with music from middle and high school. The songs brought back many, many memories. I also realized how completely unsuitable my tunes were for someone of my age.

Music has always been therapeutic for me. Whether it’s hard rock, hip hop, classical, pop- whatever it is, I love it. I love the way the beat gets me moving. One of my favorite things to do is dance.

Most of all, I love the way that I can relate to the lyrics. My friends poke fun at me because I always joke, “This song was written about me.” Of course the song wasn’t really written about me, but I relate to it is such a way that makes me feel that is was. I would assume that would be a compliment to a songwriter who scribbled the words down in hopes that someone out there may relate to the tune.

Music can make you feel sad, mad, happy or confused. No matter the feeling that is invoked, for me, music is mostly just fun.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Friend = Supporter

“They say nothing lasts forever; dreams change, trends come and go,
but friendships never go out of style.” -Carrie Bradshaw

As bitchy as most people believe me to be (which I admittedly am, and it’s something I’m working on), I think my friends would agree that I am very caring as well. I have a passion for taking care of people and from a very early age, own mother often pointed out my “motherly instincts.”

I enjoy being the person that most people in my life turn to when they need help or advice. One thing that people know when coming to me is that while sharing my thoughts, I don’t hesitate to also share my sentiments.

Just as I would hope that my friends are honest in their words with me, I am completely honest with them. However, sometimes it seems that my opinions come across to certain people as an attempt to be controlling or judgmental and that is the last thing I want. I just don’t believe in asking someone’s opinion if you don’t want to hear the truth.

When my friends need me, I’m there. When they need me to give my opinion on an outfit, you can count on my blunt honesty. When they need me to take them to the doctor to take care of a little scare, I do that. When they are crying and just want to hear that everything is going to be okay, I am that person.

Still, I need to learn when my friends don’t need me and when I need to keep my thoughts to myself.