Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Dawn, New Day

I officially started my new job on Monday! Honestly, it wasn't very exciting. There was a lot of sitting around and doing absolutely nothing. My new boss took me to lunch, but didn't do a very good job of introducing me to people that first day. Yesterday was a bit better. I met more people (although I honestly only remember, like, one name) and got to walk through the laboratories. There are three laboratories that manage the testing for several genetic mutations. I am working with some smart people!

I typically feel quite confident in my intellect, however there are a lot of words being used around me that I am still having to learn. As intimidating as it all seems at times, I am very excited at the thought that one day I will be able to hold these same conversations with people, and actually know what I'm talking about.

It is a completely different environment from the one I am used to working in. I was so comfortable at my old job, so I'm working to feel comfortable here. I am even reading several
books by Dr. Fran Balkwill. Yes, the children’s books. It helps to be reminded of what adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine are.

My hours are a tad longer and traffic is a bit worse, but I know this is all leading to something good. This position could be what helps to propel me to exactly where I want to be one day.


  1. Definitely the right attitude to have, you are on the right track!

  2. I'm so excited for you. You are going to excel quickly, especially with your ready-to-learn mentality. And yes, working to feel comfortable - adapting... I'm with you there. I hope the next few days get increasingly better for you.
