Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Relationship Schmelationship

“Some people are settling down, some people are settling and some people
refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies.” – Carrie Bradshaw

So, I graduated college and the first thing people now ask me is “When are you getting married?” Well, not anytime soon, seeing as I have no prospects lined up.

The couple of years following college have been filled with friends moving on to the next phase in their lives. I’m talking rings and weddings, relocations and home purchases- all in the name of love. It has been such fun getting to be involved in helping my comrades pick out home decorations, bridesmaid dresses, even baby names!

The best part about my friends started to “settle down” (not that they are really settling down) is the fact that they seem to be doing it with great guys, which to me just means more friends! Most recently, one of my dearest friends just moved across the globe to follow her love, literally. She opened her heart and trusted his.

My friends know how absolutely terrified I am of commitment at this point in my life. Talking of relationships leads to talking about marriage, and I’m just not there yet. The truth is I don’t see myself being ready for something like that for a very, very long time.

My friends also know how picky I am. I’m often reminded of how quick I am to shoot someone down because he doesn’t meet a requirement on my mental checklist. The way I look at it, I’m not settling. If I’m going to share such a big part of my life with someone, he better meet some serious criteria. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not searching for some perfect creature, but I do know what I like.

I’ve met plenty of guys. Cute guys. Rich guys. Party guys. Serious guys. Childish guys. I’ve met them all, but I’m not going to settle for any of them unless they give me butterflies. I’ve felt it before and I know I will feel it again, when the time is right.

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